(The Overlord): Spells
(All original work herein is © by Franklin W. Cain. All rights reserved.)

Cost      Spell      END
53 The All-Consuming Bog of Oblivion (v1.0): Change Environment (Double Radius ×3; 8" radius total; -16" to Running), Uncontrolled (could be bridged over or frozen solid; +½), 0 END (+½), Costs END to initially cast (--¼), Full power (--¼), Gestures (--¼), Incantations (--¼), RSR: Sorcery (--1 per 20; --¼), Vanishes at sunrise (--0)
(active: 120 pts.),
(Description): The area designated transforms into a cold, wet bog, sucking in any and all who are standing therein.
53 The All-Consuming Bog of Oblivion (v2.0): Entangle 4d6 w/ DEF 4, Area Effect (8" radius; +1), Sticky (+½), 0 END (+½), Costs END to initially cast (--¼), Full power (--¼), Gestures (--¼), Incantations (--¼), RSR: Sorcery (--1 per 20; --¼), Vanishes at sunrise (--0)
(active: 120 pts.),
Please note that, because this is an area effect, everything in the area affected gets covered with the Sticky Entangle.
xx The Wrath of Father Winter: Energy Blast 8d6, Area Effect (8" radius; +1), Double Knockback (+0.75), ½ END (+¼), Full power (--¼), Gestures (--¼), Incantations (--¼), RSR: Sorcery (--1 per 20; --¼),
(active: 120 pts.),
(Description): xx
48 The Gentle Remonstrations of Baba Yaga: Energy Blast 6d6, Area Effect (9" radius; +1), Continuous (+1), Uncontrolled (destroy the brooms, or leave the area affected; +½), 0 END (+½), Costs END to initially cast (--¼), Full power (--¼), Gestures (--¼), Incantations (--¼), Physical Manifestation: Flying brooms (can be destroyed on a per-hex basis; --¼), RSR: Sorcery (--1 per 20; --¼), Terminates after an hour (--0), Vanishes at sunrise (--0)
(active: 120 pts.),
(Description): A swarm of flying brooms appears, beating any and all within the area designated, for an hour.
60 The Embrace of Father Winter: Entangle 6d6 w/ DEF 10, Explosion (+½), Full power (--¼), Gestures (--¼), Incantations (--¼), RSR: Sorcery (--1 per 20; --¼), Vanishes at sunrise (--0)
(active: 120 pts.),
(Description): The designated target gets encased in a block of solid ice. Others nearby get similarly encased, albeit to a lesser degree.
45 Banish: Extra-Dimensional Movement (one dimension; one location; Increased Mass ×2; total mass: 400 kg), Area Effect (One Hex; +½), Usable as Attack (Ranged; +1½), Concentrate: ½ DCV (--¼), Gestures (--¼), Incantations (--¼), RSR: Sorcery (--1 per 20; --¼)
(active: 90 pts.),
(Description): xx
3 Live to Fight Another Day: Teleport 1", plus one fixed location, Increased Scale ×6 (1" equals two million km; +1½), Armor Piercing ×2 (+1), Difficult to Dispel: Impossible (+2), Trigger (related set of conditions; +¼), Only to Fixed Location (--1), Charges: One charge (--2)
(active: 14 pts.),
(Description): Usual conditions for the Trigger would be "When knocked unconscious, or grieviousy wounded, or upon speaking [Specific Code Word/Phrase]" (i.e.: when Stunned or Knocked Out, when at negative BODY, or when speaks the command word or phrase).
22 Gateway (v1.0): Teleport 1" (Increased Mass ×2; total mass: 400 kg or four persons), Increased Scale ×6 (1" equals two million km; +1½), Area Effect (One Hex; +½), Usable Simultaneously (+½), Continuous (+1), Uncontrolled (+½), 0 END (+½), Diameter of Area Effect limited to "Scale Incr.:0" (i.e.: two meters; --0), Capacity of Mass limited to "Scale Incr.:1" (i.e.: 3,200 kg per Phase; --0), Gate (--½), Only to Memorized Locations (--½), Costs END to initially cast (--¼), Gestures (--¼), Incantations (--¼), RSR: Sorcery (--1 per 20; --¼)
(active: 66 pts.),
(Description): xx
48 Gateway (v2.0): Extra-Dimensional Movement (one dimension; one location; Increased Mass ×2; total mass: 400 kg or four persons), Area Effect (One Hex; +½), Usable Simultaneously (+½), Continuous (+1), Uncontrolled (+½), 0 END (+½), Gate (--½), Costs END to initially cast (--¼), Gestures (--¼), Incantations (--¼), RSR: Sorcery (--1 per 20; --¼)
(active: 120 pts.),
(Description): xx

(All original work herein is © by Franklin W. Cain. All rights reserved.)